NXG GENESIS in Action: Safeguarding Schwanden Municipality After a Landslide

Bild: Securiton AG

On August 29, 2023, a catastrophic event unfolded near the municipality of Schwanden in Switzerland—a monumental landslide. Spanning over 400 meters, it inflicted extensive damage on more than a dozen buildings, necessitating the evacuation of residents across a sizable area due to the ongoing threat to the village. 

Bild: Kantonpolizei Glarus

In a remarkable effort to safeguard the residents’ belongings, Securiton AG sprang into action by deploying seven SecuriSiteTec Mobile Video Towers to secure the evacuated area and ensure there is no unauthorized access. These state-of-the-art towers feature advanced video technology capable of detecting any movement. Triggered alarms are transmitted to the NXG GENESIS security platform, developed by Swiss company NXGEN Technology AG. NXG GENESIS processed the alarms using AI-powered video analysis processes and passed real alarms to the control center operated by Securitas AG.

Using the NXG GENESIS security platform granted real-time access to all relevant data for the intervention teams at the site of confirmed alarms, including alarm images. In cases necessitating swift action, intervention teams from State Police Glarus could access live camera feeds and coordinate their on-site responses with remarkable efficiency.

This robust system ensured continuous, round-the-clock protection against unauthorized access by potential looters or curious onlookers. Even in the aftermath of the Schwanden landslide, the village remained under constant surveillance by the police, thanks to the deployment of seven SecuriSiteTec Mobile Video Towers by Securiton. This system enabled Securitas to respond promptly, maintaining the security of all data within Switzerland. Authorized individuals and emergency services had unrestricted access to live camera feeds, fortifying security during this challenging and perilous situation.


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all those who played pivotal roles in safeguarding the community during these trying times.

Key Solution Providers Involved:

  • Securiton AG – Control Center
  • Securitas AG – Intervention Teams
  • NXGEN Technology AG – Developer of the cloud platform NXG GENESIS
  • Watchtower Security Solutions – Provider of the Video Towers
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